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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Here's a young man who beat cancer his way

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"The cliff notes version of my story:
In December 2003 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer. There was a golf ball sized tumor in my large intestine and the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes. It was two weeks before Christmas and I was 26 years old.
The oncologist told me I was “insane” but I decided against chemotherapy after surgery.
Instead I radically changed my diet and did every natural non-toxic therapy I could find.
Within one year of my diagnosis I was cancer free.

Fast forward to 2013
Nine years later, by the grace of God, I’m still alive and kicking and cancer free."

Did you have surgery?
Yes. I had surgery on December 30th 2003.  I had a right colectomy.  1/3 of my colon was removed along with a golf ball sized tumor and 49 lymph nodes. Four lymphs nodes tested positive for cancer.  I did not need a colostomy bag.
Did you have any chemotherapy or radiation treatments?
No, but it was recommended and the oncologist told me I was “insane” if I did not do chemotherapy.
Why did you decide not to do chemotherapy?
Short answer: Chemotherapy is toxic poison. The idea of poisoning my way back to health did not make sense to me.
Chemo destroys your immune system. It makes cancer stem cells resistant and more aggressive. It causes secondary cancers throughout the body.  It also can cause permanent damage to your brain, nerves, hearing, heart, liver, bladder, and more.
And it has a grossly exaggerated success rate. That’s the short answer…"

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